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June 15, 2024

#111 S4 EP 21: From Domestic Abuse to Divine Resilience: Stacy Barnes's Tale

#111 S4 EP 21: From Domestic Abuse to Divine Resilience: Stacy Barnes's Tale
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God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

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Ever wonder how faith can help someone rebuild their life after domestic violence? Join us for a transformative conversation with Stacy Barnes, an inspiring author, editor, journalist, wife, mother, and grandmother. Stacy bravely shares her deeply personal journey from enduring emotional and mental abuse to finding solace, self-worth, and resilience through faith and family support. Discover how the church community can step up to better support those in need and address these critical issues more openly.

What happens when the person you thought you knew changes entirely? Stacy recounts her heart-wrenching experience of emotional and mental abuse from her high school sweetheart turned husband. Facing the harrowing decision to leave for her daughter's sake, Stacy's story is a testament to the power of faith in reclaiming one's self-worth. Her narrative underscores the importance of recognizing inherent value and the strength to overcome adversity.

Forgiveness can be incredibly liberating, yet profoundly challenging. In this episode, Stacy discusses the transformative power of forgiveness, especially within the complex dynamics of a blended family. By choosing to forgive her ex-husband, she unlocked a new chapter of personal freedom and strengthened her faith. Stacy's journey, including the emotional trials of separation from her children, highlights the significance of trusting in God's unwavering love. She concludes with a heartfelt prayer for all listeners, emphasizing that true healing and peace come from embracing faith and forgiveness.

"We're excited to announce that we're back for a brand new season! This season, we are making an impact on the world by answering questions about why, what, how, when, and where we can make a difference. As we embark on this journey, we seek the hand of God to guide us and help us shine like the diamonds He made us to be."

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00:35 - Recovery From Domestic Violence

05:15 - Surviving Domestic Abuse and Finding Faith

14:59 - The Power of Forgiveness and Faith

23:29 - Trusting God in Overcoming Trauma


00:00:01.219 --> 00:00:05.628
Hello, hello, and welcome back, god's diamonds in the rough.

00:00:05.628 --> 00:00:09.002
We are so glad to be with you one more time.

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We hope all is well with you.

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Amen, michael is not here with us today, but you got me.

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I hope you're all right with that.

00:00:17.986 --> 00:00:20.893
Lol, I'm always excited to be here.

00:00:20.932 --> 00:00:27.620
We have a guest with us today and her name is Stacy and she's going to come in in just a few moments.

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Y'all know what we got to do.

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First, let's go ahead and pray.

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Father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy.

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Thank you, god, for allowing us to come into this space this time one more time.

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We pray for everyone that is here.

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We pray for just our brothers and sisters that are in Christ, god.

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We pray for this world and we pray that your will will be done on today.

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We pray that every diamond that is here will reflect you.

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We pray, in the name of Jesus, god, that everything that we give is all from you.

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Father, we want to ask you to have your way and bless your people.

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We bless your name and we pray this prayer in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ.

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We do pray Amen, amen and amen, amen.

00:01:17.462 --> 00:01:28.275
So Stacey is here and her name is Stacey Kay Amen, and she is an author, she's a, a editor, a journalist.

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She's a mama, she's a grandma, she's a wife.

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I probably got the wrong order wrong, but it's okay.

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She's a woman of God.

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At the end of the day, she's our sister for some of us.

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Amen, we are so glad to have her here.

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Stacey, you want to say hello to everybody?

00:01:49.710 --> 00:01:52.286
Hello, thank you for having me.

00:01:52.286 --> 00:01:54.286
I'm so excited to talk to you today.

00:01:54.387 --> 00:01:57.433
Yes, ma'am, and we are as well.

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00:01:58.519 --> 00:02:04.653
We want to ask you to tell us a little bit about yourself before we get into the topic of the day.

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Okay, well, you kind of hit the nail on the head.

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I am a believer.

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First and foremost, I am a wife.

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My husband and I have been married for 30 years.

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I'm a mother of four, a grandmother of six, and this is my first book that we'll be talking about a little bit today.

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But I do have a background in writing, so I'm excited to talk to you today.

00:02:32.780 --> 00:02:34.844
Hey man, that is an awesome introduction.

00:02:34.844 --> 00:02:35.366
I love it.

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So today we're going to be talking about the aftermath of domestic violence and how it is that you know that God, even though someone might be going through, might be, uh, might have dealt with it and you're left broken.

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How do we pick up the pieces?

00:02:58.122 --> 00:03:28.631
And, um, Stacey, she has, um, some background in that, and so, as we transition into this topic, it's definitely a sensitive topic and I want to say to anyone that is listening, every time, if you have children in the background or in the room, you might want to caution, Because I don't know how in-depth we'll get about domestic violence, but it is a thing and I believe that the church needs to talk about it.

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I think it's something that oftentimes the church doesn't want to talk about.

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It doesn't want to talk about things like domestic violence.

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It doesn't want to talk about things like teenage pregnancy, what it's like to be single.

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These are the things that the church tends to try to hide, because the church wants to create this perfect picture.

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Well, God is prompting.

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He's really prompting.

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I believe that he's really prompting his sons and his daughters to go out.

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He's prompting us to go out into the world.

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He said go into the world.

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So that means that we got to go in into the places that are hidden, the places that are controversial, the places that people don't want to talk about.

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So, with that being said, Stacey, can you please give us a little bit of background about this topic and what it is that the Lord has done in your life that makes you a voice for it?

00:04:31.795 --> 00:04:33.822
Absolutely so.

00:04:33.822 --> 00:04:38.937
I didn't ever want to be a voice for this topic, as I'm sure no one does.

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But I did get married very young, right out of high school, and I had dated my husband my ex-husband now but I had dated him during high school and had known him all through school and he had never shown any violent tendencies toward me or anyone that I knew, any violent tendencies toward me or anyone that I knew.

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And so it really came as a shock once we were married and he really began to change and his attitude was one that you know, women should be seen and not heard, and I have a very, you know, I have a tendency to talk back to not.

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I'm not, I was not raised to be be silent, and so it was very difficult for me to have somebody who was telling me to be silent or ordering me to be silent, and I, you know, I did not do that well, and so that would enrage him and he would become violent, and it wasn't always that and and I think that it's important to say, you know, there's always two sides.

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I'm not saying I was completely innocent, I was never violent, but you know I wasn't good at, you know, going to the corner and being quiet and I never ended up in a hospital or anything like that, but there was a time that I honestly and I do write about this in my book I honestly didn't think I was going to live.

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And my daughter was right down the hallway.

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She didn't miss it, but she was there and I was thinking, you know, he's choking me, I'm going to, I'm going to die and she's not going to have a mother.

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And you know, there were just, there were times like that, things like that that happened.

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There were times that that the majority of my abuse really was emotional and mental.

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And when, you know, when, our marriage was over and I finally and honestly, I don't think that I would be here today if I had stayed in the marriage.

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And he didn't really want to necessarily end the marriage.

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He didn't want to be married to me anymore, he told me.

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But he also didn't want to be the one filing for divorce.

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He didn't want to be the one on that, he didn't want to be perceived on that.

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He didn't want to be perceived, I think, as the bad guy.

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But ultimately, what ended our marriage was one day my car was broken down and I couldn't go anywhere.

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The only time I ever got to leave my home was when his parents would come and pick me up and take me to go get groceries on their day off and other than that, I was basically a prisoner in my own home.

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It was me and my daughter and I was pregnant, and he would drive me to my parents' house and drop me off and then he would go to work.

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And we got into a fight on the way there because I said I really want my car to be fixed so that I can go and do things, and he said I don't want your car fixed, I don't want you going anywhere, I want you home.

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So I know where you are.

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And I realized in that moment that I was a prisoner and he had no intention of changing or letting me go.

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And I didn't realize how badly things had spiraled.

00:08:03.028 --> 00:08:04.706
And so we really got into it.

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We got out of the car and I walked around and he picked me up by my neck off the ground and I, like I said I was seven months pregnant, eight months pregnant it was.

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It was horrifying.

00:08:17.112 --> 00:08:22.884
My daughter's three and I'm thinking it was dark because it was before the sun had come up that I was afraid.

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You know, I didn't want her to see that.

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I didn't want her to witness that she was three years old.

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So I just told him.

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You know, when he put me down, I told him do not pick me up after work and he said I wasn't going to.

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And he drove off and I went into the house and I was hoping my daughter hadn't seen it and she, I tried to lay her down because it was super early and tried to see if she'd go back to sleep.

00:08:44.029 --> 00:08:46.673
And she said Mommy, why did Daddy hurt your neck?

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And I just said that's it.

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My child is not growing up, she's not going to witness that this is not going to be her life and this is not going to be my life.

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And in that moment I made that decision that I just could not go back and it was not going back to that life.

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And so it was very, very difficult.

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And you know, when you go through a divorce and you go through just kind of this loss of just what you thought your life was going to be and what you all the plans and the dreams that you had for your family and your life and I grew up in a Christian home Divorce was not on the table, it wasn't allowed.

00:09:31.931 --> 00:09:33.506
No one in my family was divorced.

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It was a big stigma, but my family didn't know about the abuse.

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I hadn't told them.

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They did not know what was going on.

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So it was.

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It was a big scandal.

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I told them about it and of course, they supported me once they knew what was happening.

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But it was, it was.

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It was very difficult.

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I moved in with my parents and I'll just tell you, I was completely broken.

00:10:00.432 --> 00:10:17.212
All the things that he said to me all the time, you know, all the things about how I was ugly and I was, you know, stupid and I was worthless and nobody could ever love me Like I believed all those things and it took a really long time for me to really.

00:10:17.212 --> 00:10:18.942
You know, I had to get back into the word.

00:10:18.942 --> 00:10:27.274
I had to remember whose I was and who I was, and I had to remember that I have value to God.

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He's the one who gives me value, not my ex-husband or any person in this world.

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My value comes solely from God.

00:10:35.729 --> 00:10:45.134
And once I started to remember that and I started to read my Bible, I started to really remember my worth in God.

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That's when things really changed and things really fell into place.

00:10:51.000 --> 00:11:03.424
Ooh, that's powerful, that's powerful, that's very powerful, because so many times you can get so lost in losing yourself in what's going on.

00:11:03.424 --> 00:11:09.533
And you know, I just my applause is to you that you got out before it was too late.

00:11:09.533 --> 00:11:15.312
And you know, before we get to where we really want to focus, and that's on God.

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You know, pay attention to the warning signs.

00:11:19.129 --> 00:11:23.711
Whether you are male or female, pay attention to the warning signs.

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Whether you are male or female, pay attention to the warning signs and you know if it's a, if it's a.

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You heard the old saying if it's a duck and it's quacking, it's a duck.

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You know what I mean.

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Call it what it is.

00:11:36.740 --> 00:11:42.168
I know you, you know you may love him, you may, you know you may love her, but you know love doesn't hurt at the end of the day.

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So you know.

00:11:46.543 --> 00:11:47.490
So we want to say pay attention to the signs.

00:11:47.490 --> 00:11:48.538
But really, moving on.

00:11:48.558 --> 00:11:48.720
I agree.

00:11:49.639 --> 00:11:59.009
Yeah, moving on to, it took courage for her to come out, and that's what it's going to require you taking courage.

00:11:59.009 --> 00:12:02.885
It's one of those things.

00:12:02.885 --> 00:12:04.532
You got to get up and you got to move.

00:12:04.532 --> 00:12:05.235
You got to get up, you got to move.

00:12:05.235 --> 00:12:06.359
You got to get up, you got to go.

00:12:06.359 --> 00:12:12.710
You know you could pray all day, pray, pray, pray, but until you make that move it's not going to change.

00:12:12.710 --> 00:12:14.245
You got to get out of it.

00:12:14.245 --> 00:12:18.504
And so how?

00:12:18.504 --> 00:12:24.673
I mean, once you got into your word Stacy, once you got into your word, you began to see the light again.

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Word Stacey.

00:12:25.474 --> 00:12:29.278
Once you got into your word, then you began to see the light again.

00:12:29.278 --> 00:12:34.639
Um did.

00:12:34.639 --> 00:12:35.341
Were you able to forgive him?

00:12:35.341 --> 00:12:35.400

00:12:35.400 --> 00:12:37.245
I mean, how were things after you got back into a right relationship?

00:12:37.264 --> 00:12:37.465
with Jesus.

00:12:37.465 --> 00:12:41.634
So I did eventually forgive him.

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But I'll tell you it took several years before I really got to that point, because it was just very difficult and when you have children and you're At first.

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When we were first divorced and I had the baby and everything kind of fell into place, he was doing his thing and we were not living together, we were not dating or anything like that.

00:13:06.572 --> 00:13:15.135
But we had a good enough relationship that you know, I could talk to him, I could tell him what was going on with the kids, things like that, and he was interested.

00:13:15.684 --> 00:13:35.307
Well, then he remarried and she did not think that we as exes should have a good relationship or that we should talk to one another, and so she really interjected herself into that and I really feel like things went downhill from that.

00:13:35.307 --> 00:13:39.456
I mean, when we weren't living together he wasn't abusive to me.

00:13:39.456 --> 00:13:40.687
I mean he didn't.

00:13:40.687 --> 00:13:41.917
You know all the things.

00:13:41.917 --> 00:13:57.369
Cause we weren't together anymore and I don't know if that just changed things for him or if he just knew like I wasn't, I was, wasn't doing it anymore, I wasn't going to tolerate it, I was done with it, I walked away from it and he knew he didn't have that power over me anymore.

00:13:57.369 --> 00:14:01.394
So I so those kinds of so we could have just a regular conversation.

00:14:01.394 --> 00:14:20.917
But once she came into the picture, she no longer allowed those conversations, she no longer wanted us to speak, and so he changed and his attitude changed and what used to be a conversation asking how the kids were and what they were doing and things turned into just yes, no, just give me the facts and move on.

00:14:20.917 --> 00:14:24.995
And so whenever we would drop the kids off and stuff, it would be like that.

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And then it actually I felt like it became antagonistic.

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They would do things and say things.

00:14:31.116 --> 00:14:32.485
It's different.

00:14:32.485 --> 00:14:42.187
So I felt like in my house it was off limits to say anything negative about their father and their stepmom.

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I didn't care if they called her mom, I didn't care any of it.

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I think there's enough love to go around.

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My children are not pawns, my children, their relationship with their dad and their stepmom is exactly that and as it should be.

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And on their side it was completely different.

00:14:59.730 --> 00:15:06.451
I remarried and they called him dad and if they slipped up and accidentally said dad in front of them, it became a huge deal.

00:15:06.451 --> 00:15:07.471
They got in big trouble.

00:15:07.471 --> 00:15:08.351
You know.

00:15:08.351 --> 00:15:11.812
They would do things like cut their hair and make them upset.

00:15:11.812 --> 00:15:22.254
I mean, my kids would get sick, they didn't want to go over there, they would be so nervous about going, they didn't like it, and so we would end up in fights over things like that.

00:15:22.254 --> 00:15:24.054
Just, you know little things like that.

00:15:24.075 --> 00:15:35.356
But I'll tell you one day we had had this particularly heated argument because he had done something that really upset me, and then we got off the phone.

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I felt so convicted and I just started praying about it and I called him back up and I just said listen, you know, we are different people than we were years ago when we were married.

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We are still relating to one another as if we're the same people.

00:15:51.140 --> 00:16:09.004
And I said I'm just going to tell you right now that I forgive you for everything that happened, and I am going to ask you to forgive me, and whether you do or not is up to you, but I'm going to tell you from this day forward, I'm not going to ask you to forgive me, and whether you do or not is up to you, but I'm going to tell you, from this day forward, I'm not going to respond to you in the same way anymore.

00:16:09.004 --> 00:16:14.028
I'm different, it's different, and that was it.

00:16:14.107 --> 00:16:21.360
And for me, I was released from so much just through that act of forgiving him that it really changed my life.

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That act of forgiving him that it really it changed my life, because I had lived in a lot of bitterness and anger and, just you know, every little thing would set me off and I saw everything.

00:16:29.825 --> 00:16:36.005
As you know, they're doing this to me, they're doing this to make me mad, and maybe they still did.

00:16:36.005 --> 00:16:45.049
But once I forgave them, I just moved on and they just said I can't do anything about it and I just focused on other things, took my focus off of that.

00:16:45.049 --> 00:16:48.658
It released me in a way that I just never even thought possible.

00:16:48.658 --> 00:16:58.195
I didn't want to forgive him because I thought that I was being strong and I thought I was showing my daughter and my son and my family that I'm strong.

00:16:58.195 --> 00:17:00.245
He can't hurt me, you know all those things.

00:17:00.245 --> 00:17:10.652
But once I got to that point and I was just like I'm forgiving you, I hope that you will forgive me and we're just going to interact differently it completely changed things.

00:17:13.988 --> 00:17:16.031
And you know it's been said before.

00:17:16.031 --> 00:17:17.496
You've heard it.

00:17:17.496 --> 00:17:18.298
You always heard it.

00:17:18.298 --> 00:17:21.926
Forgiveness is not necessarily for them, it's more for you.

00:17:21.926 --> 00:17:23.087
You always heard it.

00:17:23.107 --> 00:17:27.511
Forgiveness is not necessarily for them, it's more for you, and you know just the proof is in the pudding of what she just said.

00:17:27.751 --> 00:17:30.153
It's not for them, it is for you.

00:17:30.153 --> 00:17:37.180
If you do not, look, unforgiveness will put you, you'll put yourself in a prison.

00:17:37.180 --> 00:17:39.882
And I say it quite a few times.

00:17:39.882 --> 00:17:48.478
Something that God gave me said you know, oftentimes people go in prison.

00:17:48.478 --> 00:17:50.284
Let me know what you think about this, stacy.

00:17:50.284 --> 00:17:55.688
People are in prison and the only reason they stay in there is because they have the keys.

00:17:55.688 --> 00:17:56.048
You hear me?

00:17:56.048 --> 00:17:56.769
Come on, yeah, yeah, amen.

00:17:56.769 --> 00:17:57.430
It's amazing.

00:17:57.430 --> 00:18:03.734
It is amazing the things, the prisons that we stay in, simply because we don't unlock the door.

00:18:03.734 --> 00:18:17.951
The door is open, he's an open, the door took the lock off, but you shut the door and keep the lock on and you have the keys to opening the door.

00:18:17.971 --> 00:18:20.317
Oh, man and you know God is the key.

00:18:20.317 --> 00:18:44.126
God is key, and so, now that you have forgiven the past and let it go and you are walking in the light and doing what it is that God has called you to do, tell us where you are today and tell us a little bit more about your book, and tell us a little bit more about your book.

00:18:44.146 --> 00:18:48.148
So what happened was, you know, I went through all these things.

00:18:48.148 --> 00:18:49.289
I forgave him.

00:18:49.289 --> 00:18:53.271
You know I'm not going to say that life was perfect after that.

00:18:53.271 --> 00:18:55.232
You know that it's never perfect, right?

00:18:55.232 --> 00:18:57.334
But our relationship did change.

00:18:58.094 --> 00:19:12.701
And then I got to a point where I just started looking around and I was thinking the Lord has blessed me so, so much and I felt very convicted that I should share.

00:19:12.701 --> 00:19:13.602

00:19:13.602 --> 00:19:29.306
You know, I went through a lot of things and we're not talking about all the things, but in my book, in each chapter, I talk about different stories that I went through, and some of the messes that I got into were my own making and some of them were messes other people made that I just got to suffer through.

00:19:29.306 --> 00:19:36.267
But the Lord uses every bit of it and I really felt like the Lord was calling me to share my story.

00:19:36.267 --> 00:19:37.990
It was very uncomfortable.

00:19:37.990 --> 00:20:03.857
I did not enjoy going back to that place and reliving a lot of these stories, but I always felt like, you know, god's going to be able to use this for other people who are going through difficult times, and what good is it to have gone through this if I don't point others to Christ and show them and tell them how he strengthened me and how he grew my faith.

00:20:03.857 --> 00:20:20.632
My faith is so strong because of the different things that I went through and the way that the Lord was there for me every step of the way, and the way he carried me when I was broken and how he put me back together, and I wouldn't be here today if I didn't.

00:20:22.034 --> 00:20:27.800
I believe, if I did not have the faith that I have, if God was not there walking me through, I wouldn't be here today.

00:20:27.800 --> 00:20:43.096
And you know I have a husband that he loves me, he's kind, he cares deeply about my happiness, he's not abusive, he's wonderful, and he took in my two children and treated them like his own.

00:20:43.096 --> 00:20:45.549
We have two children together as well.

00:20:45.549 --> 00:21:06.278
We have six grandchildren and, you know, the Lord has blessed our life and I think that that is something worth sharing with other people, because I know that other people are suffering and that other people are going through difficult times, and I just want to encourage them to hold on, to look up, to not lose your faith.

00:21:06.278 --> 00:21:15.731
You know, when you go through adversity, you can run towards God or you can run away from Him, and if you will run towards Him and you will trust Him.

00:21:15.731 --> 00:21:18.897
He will be there.

00:21:18.897 --> 00:21:19.818
He will not let you down.

00:21:19.818 --> 00:21:26.430
He's the only one who will not ever let you down, and I think that that's an important message today, missing, god based on.

00:21:26.509 --> 00:21:27.911
we really get in our own way.

00:21:27.911 --> 00:21:54.869
I think that you can get in your own way a lot of times when God is at work in your life, and so how can we get your book, my dear?

00:21:56.373 --> 00:22:03.116
my book is available on Amazon paperback or you can get the Kindle version if you do Kindle.

00:22:03.878 --> 00:22:13.721
Okay, cool, Anything else you want to share as we get ready to wrap the interview up and conversation, anything else you want to share.

00:22:13.809 --> 00:22:21.240
You feel prompted and led to say I will say that the book is a devotional.

00:22:21.240 --> 00:22:29.031
I don't know if I clarified that, but it's called Damaged Goods, a devotional for the slightly imperfect, and I think that speaks to a lot of us.

00:22:29.031 --> 00:22:42.518
I really feel like the reason behind it and the reason I wanted to share is to really let people know that God sees you, he knows you and he loves you deeply and that he is always there for you.

00:22:42.518 --> 00:22:53.276
And just hang on to that and know that, because you do have worth and no matter what you've done, no matter how far you've fallen, you can come back and God forgives you.

00:22:53.276 --> 00:22:54.799
He will forgive you.

00:22:55.682 --> 00:22:56.951
Amen, amen.

00:22:56.951 --> 00:22:58.016
Let me ask you another question.

00:22:58.016 --> 00:23:19.214
I'm just kind of looking at your profile here, but I think this is a critical question before we actually get ready to go.

00:23:19.234 --> 00:23:22.520
The question is, how were you able to overcome the crippling anxiety and depression that you often describe in quite a few chapters of your book?

00:23:22.520 --> 00:23:35.938
So there was, yeah, there was, a time that I was having panic attacks, I was having this recurring nightmare of my son drowning and it was so real that I would wake up and think that he had actually died.

00:23:35.938 --> 00:23:37.381
And it was just.

00:23:37.381 --> 00:23:39.770
It was overwhelming, I could.

00:23:39.770 --> 00:23:47.782
I mean, it makes me tear up to think about it now because it was so real to me and he was little, and it's so difficult.

00:23:47.782 --> 00:24:03.813
Anyone who has been divorced and have a situation where your children have to go and be with the other family for extended periods, you know they would have to go two weeks at a time, sometimes even longer, every other weekend.

00:24:03.813 --> 00:24:10.721
All of those things and their life when they were over there was vastly different than when they were with me.

00:24:10.721 --> 00:24:18.920
And even though I tried to, you know I went to attorneys and tried to see if I could, you know, change that a little bit and make them go less.

00:24:18.920 --> 00:24:31.304
They said you know, no, you can't, because being a Christian and taking them to church and stuff, that doesn't mean you're not actually assured that the judge is going to rule in your favor.

00:24:31.304 --> 00:24:32.655
He may not think that's a good thing.

00:24:32.655 --> 00:24:38.383
He might think that they actually need to spend more time away from you to get more acclimated to that.

00:24:38.549 --> 00:24:44.576
And so I just had most of my anxiety and depression, I think, really were around that.

00:24:44.576 --> 00:24:52.843
They were around my kids being gone, me being so powerless to do anything for them and just not knowing what was happening.

00:24:52.843 --> 00:24:57.382
And then hearing the stories when they came back and seeing how anxious they were to go.

00:24:57.382 --> 00:25:00.238
It just broke my heart, it tore me apart.

00:25:00.238 --> 00:25:18.973
And I would be there and I had these other two young children and I can remember my husband just pleading with me and saying, listen, like I'd be sitting on the couch, just like staring in space or just praying, you know in my mind, and just overwhelmed with the anxiety of it being sad about it, being upset about it.

00:25:18.973 --> 00:25:22.355
And he would say you know you have two other children here who need you.

00:25:22.355 --> 00:25:24.559
I need you to focus on them, you know.

00:25:24.559 --> 00:25:26.250
And so I did, I, you know.

00:25:26.250 --> 00:25:29.140
I tried to snap out of it and I'll tell you what changed for me.

00:25:29.140 --> 00:25:33.374
One day I had taken them to our drop-off point and.

00:25:33.434 --> 00:25:44.257
I prayed all the way there, I dropped them off with their dad and I just, I just said God, I can't do this anymore, like I just can't do this anymore.

00:25:44.257 --> 00:25:47.173
I need you, I need you to.

00:25:47.173 --> 00:25:49.059
You have to protect them, you have to hold them.

00:25:49.059 --> 00:25:59.616
I'm telling you, I had this vision so clearly in my mind of this gigantic hand, like this gigantic hand, and my two little babies were right in the center of this hand.

00:25:59.616 --> 00:26:09.460
And, you know, he told me he's like I have your kids, I have your babies, and that, just that, that really flipped the switch for me.

00:26:09.460 --> 00:26:21.813
Like no, I I'm not in control, I have no power here, but the one who created them and who loves them even more than me has those babies and I have to trust that.

00:26:21.813 --> 00:26:29.344
And that's the only way I was able to get through it, just praying and just trusting God that he had them.

00:26:36.210 --> 00:26:37.932
And so the final word becomes trusting.

00:26:37.951 --> 00:26:38.011

00:26:38.092 --> 00:26:48.203
Trusting God is so, so important to any, not just domestic violence, but in overcoming any kind of trauma.

00:26:48.203 --> 00:26:54.540
You got to trust God and there is no other way outside of trusting him.

00:26:54.540 --> 00:27:07.674
Because you know I can relate to that, especially when I got my first divorce Because my ex-husband he lived nothing like me at all and so the same type of thing.

00:27:07.674 --> 00:27:19.021
You know, it was drastically different Because I went to church and did all of that for me and it's like the first couple of times my daughter would go with her father and I felt the same.

00:27:19.021 --> 00:27:20.454
I'm like, oh Lord, I got to pray.

00:27:20.454 --> 00:27:26.281
I got to pray and one day he just kind of said this is my child and I'm going to take care of her.

00:27:26.281 --> 00:27:36.875
One of those things you just have to trust God that even when they are away, that he is watching, he's taking care of.

00:27:36.875 --> 00:27:53.016
And we just encourage you to trust God in overcoming whatever you've had to overcome, whether again, it's domestic violence or any kind of addictions, failed marriages, whatever it is.

00:27:53.016 --> 00:27:54.619
You got to trust God.

00:27:54.619 --> 00:27:56.523
That's my final word.

00:27:56.829 --> 00:27:59.358
Yes, he is the healer, absolutely you can say that again he is the healer.

00:27:59.921 --> 00:28:00.462

00:28:00.462 --> 00:28:01.996
You can say that again.

00:28:01.996 --> 00:28:03.095
He is the healer.

00:28:03.095 --> 00:28:05.855
I know that's right.

00:28:05.855 --> 00:28:14.541
So, stacey, would you do me a favor, would you pray us out of our meeting today?

00:28:14.541 --> 00:28:16.453
Please pray for our audience.

00:28:16.855 --> 00:28:18.980
Absolutely yes.

00:28:18.980 --> 00:28:30.846
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for this time that we could come together and just talk about you and talk about how good you are and what a difference maker you are for all of us.

00:28:30.846 --> 00:28:33.680
Lord, I thank you for this podcast.

00:28:33.680 --> 00:28:41.157
I thank you for Catherine and Michael and all the diamonds who are listening, and her husband, Michael, and all the diamonds who are listening.

00:28:41.157 --> 00:28:47.137
Lord, I pray that they would be uplifted and encouraged and that they would remember that, no matter what they're going through, that they can trust you and that you are always faithful.

00:28:47.137 --> 00:28:55.701
I pray that you'll be with us as we go throughout the remaining weeks and I pray that you would bless us in your name.

00:28:55.701 --> 00:28:56.703
I pray Amen.

00:28:58.010 --> 00:28:58.855

00:28:58.855 --> 00:29:01.353
Thank you again so much, stacey, for being here.

00:29:01.353 --> 00:29:04.335
We certainly do appreciate your presence.

00:29:04.335 --> 00:29:09.392
Diamonds, go to Amazon and check out her book.

00:29:09.392 --> 00:29:16.414
The name of the book, or devotional, one more time is Damaged Goods.

00:29:16.950 --> 00:29:19.175
A Devotional for the Slightly Imperfect.

00:29:19.656 --> 00:29:21.682
There you go, damaged good.

00:29:21.682 --> 00:29:23.999
I think I'm going to try to check that out myself.

00:29:23.999 --> 00:29:26.355
So y'all know what it is.

00:29:26.355 --> 00:29:30.917
Until next week, y'all remember that you are a diamond in the rough.

00:29:30.917 --> 00:29:35.273
Amen, amen and amen Until the next time.

00:29:35.273 --> 00:29:36.218
Y'all have a blessed week.
Stacy Barnes Profile Photo

Stacy Barnes

Stacy Kaye is an award-winning journalist and editor who published more than 1,000 articles over the course of her career. She grew up in the heart of the Bible belt and considers her faith and her family most important to her. In her debut book, Damaged Goods, A Devotional for the Slightly Imperfect, she uses true stories from her own life to address difficult topics and point readers to Christ. She is also a top-producing Realtor, mom to four incredible children, four bonus children, and Gigi to six amazing grandchildren. She finds joy in juggling the demands of her busy family and work life. When she’s not writing, you will find her shopping, selling houses, traveling, spoiling her grandbabies, and eating as much ice cream as she can. She resides in Texas with her husband of 30 years and their two spoiled Boston Terriers.

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