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June 13, 2024

#110 S4 EP 20: Faith's Triumph Over Trauma: Lindsay Smith's Inspirational Journey

#110 S4 EP 20: Faith's Triumph Over Trauma: Lindsay Smith's Inspirational Journey
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God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

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Have you ever wondered how faith can transform the deepest wounds into a source of strength? In this inspiring episode of God's Diamonds in the Ruff, we have the privilege of hearing Lindsay Smith's incredible journey from trauma to healing. Growing up with an absent, abusive father, Lindsay faced a challenging path that shaped her adult relationships and self-worth. Yet, through her unwavering faith in God, she found the courage to confront her past and emerge victorious, dedicating her life to supporting other women facing similar struggles.

Lindsay's story is a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit. She openly discusses the heartbreak of an 18-year marriage filled with insults and threats, mistaking it for love due to her early experiences. Despite this, Lindsay's evolving faith became her anchor, guiding her through the storm of addiction and abuse. Through divine intervention, she experienced swift deliverance from these burdens, shedding light on the profound impact of sanctification and the ongoing journey of recognizing healing through Christ.

Finally, we delve into the profound question of why God allows suffering and how it shapes our purpose. Lindsay's transition from a career in finance to her true calling - helping women manage anxiety and recover from trauma - highlights how God uses our experiences to mold our destinies. Join us as we explore Lindsay's coaching work, the importance of a supportive community, and the transformative power of faith. Her story is a beacon of hope, showing that with God's guidance, we can find comfort and healing even in our darkest moments.

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00:00 - Overcoming Trauma Through Faith and Healing

04:41 - Healing From Trauma and Finding Faith

08:43 - Overcoming Trauma Through Faith and Healing

23:19 - Finding Comfort and Healing Through Jesus


00:00:00.641 --> 00:00:02.083
Hello and hello.

00:00:02.083 --> 00:00:04.969
Welcome back to God's Diamonds in the Rough.

00:00:04.969 --> 00:00:07.774
We are so glad to be before you one more time.

00:00:07.774 --> 00:00:09.686
It's me Catherine.

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And it's me, your boy Michael.

00:00:13.419 --> 00:00:15.486
Amen, hallelujah.

00:00:15.486 --> 00:00:32.892
Today we have a guest with us, amen, and she's going to share her story, because today we are talking about trauma, amen, her name is Lindsay Smith, amen, and again, she has a story and we're excited to hear it.

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So you can glean from it.

00:00:34.746 --> 00:00:36.463
But first we want to ask you.

00:00:36.463 --> 00:00:39.832
Well, mike, I want to ask you how are you doing?

00:00:40.962 --> 00:00:48.664
I'm doing good, still fighting out the enemy, because he is a trip.

00:00:48.664 --> 00:00:52.451
The enemy is a trip.

00:00:52.451 --> 00:01:00.808
Yeah, if you not fighting against the enemy, probably not aligned up with God.

00:01:01.283 --> 00:01:04.144
I'm okay, I'm doing alright.

00:01:04.144 --> 00:01:04.670
A little frustrated with.

00:01:04.670 --> 00:01:05.540
I'm okay, I'm doing all right.

00:01:05.540 --> 00:01:07.427
We're a little frustrated with technology.

00:01:07.427 --> 00:01:11.165
Y'all know how I would do Technology technology.

00:01:11.165 --> 00:01:14.409
So before we bring Lindsay in, y'all know what we got to do.

00:01:14.409 --> 00:01:16.587
We're going to pray first and foremost.

00:01:17.028 --> 00:01:21.762
Let us pray, dear Heavenly Father, our Lord and our Savior, jesus Christ, we thank you right now for your grace and your mercy.

00:01:21.762 --> 00:01:23.987
We thank you for your love and kindness and your mercy.

00:01:23.987 --> 00:01:26.093
Thank you for just waking us up another day.

00:01:26.093 --> 00:01:28.481
We pray in the name of Jesus, your Holy Spirit.

00:01:28.481 --> 00:01:29.346
Just have his way.

00:01:29.346 --> 00:01:33.453
We beg you for forgiveness for anything we might have said, done or thought that's not pleasing to the sight.

00:01:33.453 --> 00:01:35.620
That you would gracefully forgive us and cast us back into the picture.

00:01:35.620 --> 00:01:49.935
Put the enemy on notice right now and let him know that any tricks and things that he do will be sent back into the picture where it came from, because it has no power, no dominion, no authority over God's people.

00:01:49.935 --> 00:01:55.486
I ask you right now, lord, just to have your holy and maximum name.

00:01:55.486 --> 00:01:58.811
Thank you, thank you Amen, amen, amen, amen.

00:02:02.459 --> 00:02:03.584
That's a good prayer, honey.

00:02:03.584 --> 00:02:04.427
God be the glory.

00:02:04.447 --> 00:02:04.748
Amen, amen, amen.

00:02:04.769 --> 00:02:05.210
Amen, amen, amen, amen.

00:02:05.210 --> 00:02:06.055
That's a good prayer, honey.

00:02:06.055 --> 00:02:06.436
God be the glory.

00:02:06.436 --> 00:02:06.718
Amen to God.

00:02:06.718 --> 00:02:12.349
Okay, we're going to bring in Lindsay and we're going to ask her to say hello to everyone, hi.

00:02:15.100 --> 00:02:16.225
I'm happy to be here today.

00:02:17.300 --> 00:02:31.770
We are so glad to have you, my dear, so tell us a little bit about yourself so tell us a little bit about yourself, um well, about what I'm doing.

00:02:31.790 --> 00:02:40.290
Whoa sorry, you're fine, you're fine, um, yeah, well, right now, um, I mean, I've been through a lot.

00:02:40.290 --> 00:02:41.212
I've been through a lot of trauma.

00:02:41.212 --> 00:02:43.127
That's why I'm here today, right, um, but I'm really mostly out of.

00:02:43.127 --> 00:02:43.629
I mean I'm out of it now.

00:02:43.629 --> 00:02:45.879
That's why I'm here today, right, but I'm really mostly out of.

00:02:45.879 --> 00:03:04.549
I mean I'm out of it now, but I'm working with helping women in the same areas as me, just coming out of trauma, allowing God to heal that, allowing Jesus to heal that within me, and it's just been a really beautiful process.

00:03:05.820 --> 00:03:10.331
Well, amen, we are glad to have you here to share your story.

00:03:10.331 --> 00:03:13.146
So how about you tell us where it all began?

00:03:13.146 --> 00:03:14.270
What is your trauma?

00:03:14.270 --> 00:03:14.831

00:03:14.831 --> 00:03:17.348
What did you have to go through to get where you are right now?

00:03:17.348 --> 00:03:18.525
How did it begin?

00:03:20.020 --> 00:03:22.026
Well, it started in childhood.

00:03:22.026 --> 00:03:28.051
Um, I didn't realize, like what was really going on at the time, you know, because I was a kid.

00:03:28.051 --> 00:03:48.692
But really, when I think, what really was the point where it all got really bad was when my father left the family in like a very shocking way, a very shocking way, and that's when I think, I started to realize what had happened all those years leading up to that.

00:03:48.692 --> 00:03:53.164
That I wasn't actually really aware of, because the child's mind doesn't really understand, like what's going on.

00:03:53.164 --> 00:04:00.463
But when I was 12 years old, my dad just said hey, I'm leaving, you know, I want to get a divorce.

00:04:00.463 --> 00:04:01.185
So this is my mom.

00:04:01.185 --> 00:04:03.407
And said kids, you know, I got to talk to you.

00:04:03.407 --> 00:04:06.611
So we came into the room and he said I'm leaving your mom, and he just left that night.

00:04:07.293 --> 00:04:15.212
Now I had, I guess I had idolized my father in you know the way we do and we're kids and I didn't realize who he really was.

00:04:15.212 --> 00:04:20.690
And then over those years after that, like it was very shocking when he left, it was really scary.

00:04:20.690 --> 00:04:28.805
But I actually started to realize over the years following that he was not who I had thought he was all those years.

00:04:28.805 --> 00:04:39.190
So I started feeling strange ways, like like I didn't like him touching me, I didn't want to be around him and I was like did something like happen here, you know?

00:04:39.190 --> 00:04:46.533
And then I realized like my mom was like, oh he, he was an alcoholic and I actually had never noticed that when I was a kid.

00:04:46.533 --> 00:04:53.752
And then I started seeing like when, when they got divorced, I started noticing like one time he didn't show up for my birthday because he was drunk.

00:04:53.752 --> 00:05:11.889
And then I started to put the pieces together that I actually had been sexually abused, but I didn't have any memories of it, just a few little weird things that didn't like make sense, that were very shameful, very shameful feelings that I had.

00:05:11.889 --> 00:05:25.088
But even though I didn't remember what had happened, like it lives deep inside me, like this, feelings like I'm bad, I'm wrong, I'm not worthy, so it's just so much shame.

00:05:25.569 --> 00:05:59.312
And then, after all that happened, of course, like in the family that was, she was because my sister had also been sexually abused and we dealt with it in different ways and she was really, you know, going through a lot herself and and my dad wasn't wasn't wanting to pay child support, and it just became years of like fear, misery, suffering, just it was just really difficult, um, and it just left me this feeling of like life is so bad, you know it's so bad, and I just thought, oh, that's just the way it is, you know.

00:05:59.312 --> 00:06:07.482
And so, like I took that like my adult years, but I was always trying to like run from this feeling, you know that.

00:06:07.482 --> 00:06:14.908
And then I always thought, okay, I've been sexually abused, like there's something wrong with me, like I've got to try to fix this right.

00:06:14.908 --> 00:06:29.327
But I didn't like know how, and I that ended up me getting into, like you know, dating, obviously picking the wrong men, you know, because the the way my father was, I didn't know how a man should treat me, choosing the wrong men.

00:06:29.327 --> 00:06:38.331
And then I met my husband the ex-husband when I was 24 and at the time I felt like it was love.

00:06:38.331 --> 00:07:00.670
I mean it felt like crazy love, but you know, I didn't see that it was really unhealthy the relationship and those years I was in that marriage for 18 years and there was just so much insults, criticisms, threats to leave, like I just, and there was a lot of other things I don't really want to even.

00:07:00.670 --> 00:07:06.324
You know I don't need to share all the details, right, but it was not good, but I didn't even know.

00:07:06.805 --> 00:07:11.805
I actually was just so miserable in that marriage I just thought, oh, this is the way marriage is, this is the way life is.

00:07:11.805 --> 00:07:21.192
And that's when God, you know, had to pull me out of that, but I still I I believed in a God at the time.

00:07:21.192 --> 00:07:30.615
You know, I had been raised believing in God, had been raised going to the Catholic church, but I don't like Jesus wasn't really a part of, you know, the picture.

00:07:30.615 --> 00:07:38.605
At the Catholic church there's not really a relationship built with Jesus, and the relationship with God in the Catholic church is a little, it's a little different.

00:07:38.605 --> 00:07:41.141
It's more like kind of a judgmental figure.

00:07:41.141 --> 00:07:44.773
There's a lot of rule following confession and all that stuff.

00:07:44.853 --> 00:08:01.348
And so, you know, and my father to take care of me, you know he hurt me and you know so that my idea of a father figure was not good, and so I think I projected that onto God.

00:08:01.348 --> 00:08:04.112
But that obviously isn't who got in right.

00:08:04.112 --> 00:08:05.033
So he was still there.

00:08:05.033 --> 00:08:08.423
I couldn't see him right, you know so.

00:08:09.324 --> 00:08:16.745
But eventually he was like had to pull me out of that marriage, um, and I didn't know it was God doing it at the time.

00:08:16.745 --> 00:08:21.987
I thought it was maybe the universe or whatever you know universal energy, stuff like that.

00:08:21.987 --> 00:08:35.376
But I was definitely get you know it was being revealed to me happening in the marriage and then when I decided to leave, it all happened very quickly and it which you know, I had been 18 years and I was really stuck in that marriage.

00:08:35.376 --> 00:08:39.707
It wasn't easy to get out of it but it happened so fast because God was really working.

00:08:39.707 --> 00:08:43.725
But even after that it was a lot of healing that needed to be done.

00:08:43.725 --> 00:08:48.302
After the childhood of abuse, like I still hadn't healed that.

00:08:48.302 --> 00:08:51.961
I now had all, all the, all the years of 18 years of abuse to heal that.

00:08:51.961 --> 00:08:57.000
Just going to therapist after therapist, all you know, any technique you could imagine.

00:08:57.000 --> 00:08:59.966
I was trying it and it just really wasn't working.

00:08:59.966 --> 00:09:01.191
I was actually getting worse.

00:09:01.191 --> 00:09:08.503
I feel, um, and that's when Jesus came into the picture and it like almost too good to be true.

00:09:08.503 --> 00:09:23.110
You know, because you know, basically, when we accept what Jesus has done on the cross, we become new, right, and so I literally am born again.

00:09:23.110 --> 00:09:28.604
What that means that those that happened to me they, they didn't happen to me.

00:09:28.604 --> 00:09:35.139
Now I'm a new person in Christ, but then it's the sanctification process, right.

00:09:35.621 --> 00:09:47.759
So some of the things just fell off, like some of the effects of the abuse, like I had a lot of addictions and things like that, not anything serious like alcohol or drug abuse, but like shopping.

00:09:47.759 --> 00:09:54.433
I had a very bad eating disorder for about 16 years and I just couldn't stop doing it.

00:09:54.433 --> 00:10:07.294
You know that shopping addiction definitely pretty bad and I even had a romance novel addiction at some point, which makes sense because you know the doorway to sexual sin had been open at such a young age.

00:10:07.294 --> 00:10:12.984
I couldn't stop like reading these romance novels, all those things.

00:10:12.984 --> 00:10:15.431
Those just dropped away, right.

00:10:15.431 --> 00:10:29.303
But now I'm still on the sanctification of some of the deep fear wounds and trusting the father, like the deep childhood wounds, but they've all actually been healed right in jesus.

00:10:29.303 --> 00:10:33.633
But it's like I just have to recognize that they've been healed.

00:10:33.633 --> 00:10:36.785
That's, you know, that process that we go through after that.

00:10:36.785 --> 00:10:45.690
So I'm still kind of in some of that um, but like, and some of the things just just away after I came to.

00:10:45.730 --> 00:10:47.975
Jesus, really, yeah.

00:10:47.975 --> 00:10:49.645
Well, that's powerful.

00:10:49.645 --> 00:11:05.768
For me, that's very powerful because we have actually interviewed other guests that have had to deal with the same type of issues and you know, as we ask them, I'll ask you as well why do you think God allowed you to go through this?

00:11:05.768 --> 00:11:07.873
What has come out of the trauma?

00:11:09.421 --> 00:11:12.226
Well, I have had a lot of.

00:11:12.226 --> 00:11:15.472
I've had a lot of discourse with God about this.

00:11:15.472 --> 00:11:21.659
I my belief, is that God, I don't believe that's God's will, that I was meant to be abused.

00:11:21.659 --> 00:11:30.149
What I believe is that and this is what God has clearly told me through many, many messages that we have free will here.

00:11:30.149 --> 00:11:31.754
God has gifted us with free will.

00:11:31.754 --> 00:11:39.003
That's the design of this earth, that's his rules, and he never breaks his own rules, so he will not.

00:11:39.003 --> 00:11:49.951
He can't actually physically stop a person from abusing someone else, because that would be going against the rules that he created, but but he, what he can do is he can be there with you.

00:11:49.951 --> 00:11:53.830
Through it, he can make it as easy as he can like I don't remember a lot of it.

00:11:54.370 --> 00:12:03.082
Um, I do think that there were some times when I remember saying things to my dad like things like I've pooped my pants or something like that, when I was like in the bed.

00:12:03.082 --> 00:12:06.292
So I think that he wouldn't, he would not be interested.

00:12:06.292 --> 00:12:11.110
I was trying to do things like that and those were things that God was probably giving me these ideas to do.

00:12:11.110 --> 00:12:16.451
And also he, my father, left me when I was 12.

00:12:16.451 --> 00:12:17.072
He left the family.

00:12:17.072 --> 00:12:18.405
I actually never saw him again.

00:12:18.405 --> 00:12:23.544
I said for a couple of years he was still around and then, when I was 16, he left to move to the other side of the country.

00:12:23.544 --> 00:12:28.114
I actually never saw him again and that was a trauma, but that was God's gift.

00:12:28.114 --> 00:12:29.581
He did that.

00:12:29.581 --> 00:12:35.381
So he you know he couldn't force my dad to do that, but he probably, you know, influenced it in some way.

00:12:35.802 --> 00:12:43.932
And so what I see is that even what he does is he always uses everything for good.

00:12:43.932 --> 00:12:46.696
So every bad thing that happens, he works.

00:12:46.696 --> 00:12:49.009
He has got a plan right away to make it good.

00:12:49.009 --> 00:12:57.044
It almost looks like that thing was meant to happen because he's so good at making good out of it.

00:12:57.044 --> 00:12:58.308
But it wasn't meant to happen.

00:12:58.308 --> 00:13:02.947
I mean, that's the work of the enemy, this abuse and these and these terrible things that were done to me.

00:13:02.947 --> 00:13:07.886
But he has given me so much strength to move through it and now I'm going to help other people with it.

00:13:07.886 --> 00:13:14.494
But that, how good he is that he is finding a way to turn.

00:13:14.494 --> 00:13:18.591
Turn, you know, give us beauty for ashes, like it says in the Bible, right?

00:13:18.899 --> 00:13:20.143
Amen, amen.

00:13:20.143 --> 00:13:22.106
You got a follow up question.

00:13:24.009 --> 00:13:50.184
Yeah, I mean, you know, as I sit back and listen to your testimony and the things that you say, you know the things that, especially with the free will, is the first Corinthians, 15, 55 and 56, when he says, oh death, where is that sting?

00:13:50.184 --> 00:13:52.005
Oh grave, where is our victory?

00:13:52.005 --> 00:13:56.087
The sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is law.

00:13:56.087 --> 00:14:16.700
You know, I think back about that because you know, if we only endured everything that we went through and remembered everything, every single detail, you know it will, it will run our mind crazy.

00:14:16.700 --> 00:14:29.865
And I think the reason why god, he, he blocks some of the things that we don't remember is because he knows that we can't bury everything.

00:14:29.865 --> 00:14:44.259
And that's why he tells, in the description that he puts on us, no more than he can bear that we can bear, because he only allows us to remember certain details and certain events.

00:14:44.259 --> 00:14:57.703
And you know, with that it, it puts us in a mind of, and one one, and I, and I say this too, goes with it and my thoughts just rambling on mine.

00:14:57.703 --> 00:15:07.596
But you know the song that says um, ask god to give us, give us his eyes for one moment.

00:15:07.596 --> 00:15:09.577
Ask God to give us his eyes for one moment.

00:15:09.597 --> 00:15:19.085
And every time I hear that song it makes me think of do we really want to see and hear everything that God hears and sees?

00:15:19.705 --> 00:15:34.115
Because he knows that we can't take it all and it will make us really go crazy if we really can see everything and hear everything guys hears and sees.

00:15:34.134 --> 00:15:44.236
That's why he get those moments where he blocks out some traumatic event but at the same time, our past.

00:15:44.236 --> 00:15:48.904
We have to realize that our past is the beginning of our future.

00:15:48.904 --> 00:15:54.902
And I say it like that because if we don't have a past, what do we look forward to?

00:15:54.902 --> 00:16:12.548
But the moment that we take our past and we dread on our past and that's the only thing we think of, how can we allow our future to take place?

00:16:12.548 --> 00:16:35.423
As we are always dreading on our past, and and I like it that that way, god had given me that because we had to realize that the moment we give up our past, he's he's not saying forget your past, but use your past as an avenue of your future, of where you can tell people, like we're doing now.

00:16:35.423 --> 00:16:38.893
You know we, we share our story with other people, other believers.

00:16:38.893 --> 00:16:45.192
That helps somebody else get through that situation that they might be facing.

00:16:45.192 --> 00:16:47.775
I like, like it, I love it.

00:16:48.977 --> 00:17:02.197
That's what our testimony is right, our testimony, and that's our testimony against what's happened to us too, because, like, like I said that that was that was wrong, that it happened.

00:17:02.538 --> 00:17:14.890
So we take what's wrong and God turns it into something right and, like you said, if we did, it's like I don't.

00:17:14.890 --> 00:17:27.980
I at this point I don't want those things to happen again, but they did, and so what it led me to is that so much suffering that I went through that it's like the promise of the future is so much more to me than for someone else that hadn't gone through all those things.

00:17:27.980 --> 00:17:33.538
Right, and I know that god wants to restore everything that was taken from me.

00:17:33.538 --> 00:17:45.511
And then some, you know, and so I get to look forward to that because of the past that I experienced, you know, and so it'll be that much sweeter.

00:17:45.511 --> 00:18:07.221
You know, for somebody else it might not be as sweet because it's been all they've known, but for me there's been a lot of suffering, so those moments of peace just probably feel that even better to me than someone else you know that has had more peace in their life.

00:18:14.891 --> 00:18:15.532
Amen, all right y'all.

00:18:15.532 --> 00:18:17.018
I'm just trying to organize, trying to get some things going.

00:18:17.018 --> 00:18:19.647
I'm listening, and you know just listening, and and, and you know I was thinking.

00:18:19.647 --> 00:18:22.255
I was wondering did you have any kids in the marriage?

00:18:22.255 --> 00:18:24.741
I know you mentioned that you had abuse in the marriage.

00:18:24.741 --> 00:18:28.436
Um, can you want to talk more about the marriage or no?

00:18:28.436 --> 00:18:30.722
Do you feel comfortable?

00:18:31.413 --> 00:18:39.838
All that really happened in the marriage, like there was not really any physical abuse, but it was a lot of mental and emotional abuse and again, that was the work of the enemy.

00:18:39.838 --> 00:18:51.915
You know, like I have had to give, you know, release, forgiveness for what happened, not that I'm going to be, you know, having a relationship with that, with him again, and we don't have kids.

00:18:51.915 --> 00:18:54.060
Actually I think that was god's gift.

00:18:54.060 --> 00:19:02.173
I had always not been sure about having kids with him, so it would make it a lot easier to leave and not have to be connected with him at all.

00:19:02.173 --> 00:19:08.343
But he was just under the influence of darkness, you know, when he did those things.

00:19:08.482 --> 00:19:17.451
I don't really believe that the true man, the true person who he really is and was born to be, obviously would not want to do those things to me.

00:19:17.451 --> 00:19:23.262
Um, and so I, I have forgiveness and compassion for it.

00:19:23.262 --> 00:19:33.743
Again, I, we don't have any relationship at all and it it did a lot of damage to me mentally and emotionally.

00:19:33.743 --> 00:19:46.122
Just a lot of way I have to recognize that that happened, you know, and and hand that over to God, because it's up to God to work out whatever needs to happen there.

00:19:46.122 --> 00:19:49.486
But I know, in this man and my father.

00:19:49.486 --> 00:19:53.997
They can't make up to me for what they did.

00:19:53.997 --> 00:19:59.373
That's not what they're meant to do, actually, right, god makes it up to everybody.

00:19:59.373 --> 00:20:06.354
Even if they were to come to Christ, they would be forgiven of what they've done, and they would obviously not be able to make it up to me then either.

00:20:06.354 --> 00:20:07.035
It can't be done.

00:20:07.035 --> 00:20:12.942
It's god's job to make it up to me, and and he's going to, he is you know he's doing it now.

00:20:13.765 --> 00:20:14.285

00:20:14.285 --> 00:20:16.253
So you know you let that be an encouragement.

00:20:16.253 --> 00:20:28.057
Every diamond that feel like, you know they're all by yourself, all by yourself and really you're not, um, god is dealing with any kind of injustice, any kind of uh, wrong that's been done to you.

00:20:28.057 --> 00:20:29.862
You got to believe that and go on.

00:20:29.862 --> 00:20:32.377
Don't let the enemy steal any longer.

00:20:32.377 --> 00:20:33.421

00:20:33.421 --> 00:20:35.536
And that just brings me to another question.

00:20:35.536 --> 00:20:47.381
Unless you have a question, michael, okay, the next question I have is what do you think the most important part of healing from the trauma is?

00:20:50.967 --> 00:21:09.400
for me, I think it was healing the relationship with God and understanding who God really is, because of the men that I experienced in my life that God has a male, you know, aspect and I feel like Holy Spirit's kind of a little bit more of the feminine side to God.

00:21:09.400 --> 00:21:12.630
But there's that father side and then obviously Jesus.

00:21:12.630 --> 00:21:29.759
But if you've experienced a lot of abuse at the hands of men, it can really change the way you feel about men and even that masculine, you know, presence of God, and so it had me believing that like I had to earn favor from God.

00:21:29.759 --> 00:21:31.632
It's like I didn't even know that.

00:21:31.632 --> 00:21:39.234
I thought God loves me, but then there was still these little pieces inside that felt like I had to, like, earn it or if I did anything wrong I'd be punished.

00:21:39.234 --> 00:21:42.095
There was a lot of worrying about being punished.

00:21:42.095 --> 00:21:53.653
If I make a wrong move to something that God doesn't want me to do, I will be punished, and that's just not who God is, and so I just we had to heal that and only God can heal me in that, you know I can't do it myself.

00:21:53.653 --> 00:22:03.750
So I mean I had to hand it over to God and allow him to do that healing work in me, and so it was with the father that I really had to do a lot of the healing work.

00:22:03.810 --> 00:22:30.088
Jesus always felt like a very safe figure to me, but there was also this feeling of not like accepting what Jesus has done Right, like that Jesus, what Jesus has done has, has saved us Right and it changed us and made us new, and like there was a lot of me just like not understanding what that really meant and also just not even maybe accepting it because thinking, oh, it can't be this easy.

00:22:30.088 --> 00:22:36.128
I have to work, for I've been working my whole life towards this and, honestly, I didn't get anywhere.

00:22:36.128 --> 00:22:41.132
So, yeah, yeah, yeah, I didn't really get anywhere.

00:22:41.132 --> 00:22:44.134
I'm just tired out and more stressed and more anxious, you know.

00:22:44.555 --> 00:22:48.993
Right, yeah, so have you like written?

00:22:48.993 --> 00:22:50.672
Have you written, did you?

00:22:50.672 --> 00:22:55.008
I mean, what is ultimately, what is your message and why do you do what you written?

00:22:55.008 --> 00:22:57.317
I mean, what is ultimately, what is your message and why do you do what you do?

00:22:59.345 --> 00:23:06.798
Well, I always knew like I was working in finance for most of my life, but I always knew that wasn't the right thing for me.

00:23:06.798 --> 00:23:09.311
I always knew I wanted to help the world in some way.

00:23:09.311 --> 00:23:09.573

00:23:09.573 --> 00:23:10.434
But I'm like, but what is it?

00:23:10.434 --> 00:23:10.895
I don't know.

00:23:10.895 --> 00:23:14.455
So I had to keep being working in finance until I kind of figured it out, you know.

00:23:15.404 --> 00:23:36.605
And then when I ended up leaving the marriage, I was also looking at other ways to help women just kind of with stress and anxiety, because I'd always dealt with that so much and I had kind of gotten it under control but it wasn't fully healed until Jesus you know, jesus you know.

00:23:36.625 --> 00:23:37.128
But I was working on that.

00:23:37.128 --> 00:23:44.054
But I just want to help other people that have just been through such difficult times, because it's literally taken me like I guess I've really been working on trying to heal this stuff for 20 some years and that's a long time.

00:23:44.054 --> 00:23:51.011
It's way too long for people to have to to try to be healing this and and to find some relief.

00:23:51.011 --> 00:24:15.586
So I just want to like get this message out there to women Um and I also do coach women to like that that have gone through abusive things or just even dealing with anxiety, cause I you're against a lot of anxiety, a lot, you know over the years Um, so I I really um can help with that a lot too, because the only thing that really made the anxiety go away again was God.

00:24:15.586 --> 00:24:25.317
There was so many different things I tried and they would kind of like help a little but like just knowing God is there, jesus is there, like literally right here, by my actual side.

00:24:25.337 --> 00:24:33.527
You know, um, like I'm seated in heaven, right and so, and I'm also existing in heaven and I'm existing on earth.

00:24:33.527 --> 00:24:38.557
So that means that literally I'm at the right, you know, at the hand, right next to God and Jesus.

00:24:38.557 --> 00:24:41.554
So how could anything happen to me?

00:24:41.554 --> 00:24:47.397
So when I would feel those anxious feelings, I would just remember and feel God there and this just goes away.

00:24:47.397 --> 00:24:54.171
But I just, you know, I just want to help people with that, and it's not always a quick thing.

00:24:54.171 --> 00:25:07.396
Sometimes you need some guidance with it, even though some of the things really stopped right away once I just came towards Jesus, even just accepting what Jesus has done sometimes needs a little bit of help.

00:25:07.525 --> 00:25:12.515
And then healing the relationship with the Father, and I just want to help people with that, amen.

00:25:13.005 --> 00:25:14.829
So is there a way?

00:25:14.829 --> 00:25:17.156
Do you like a system set up for your coaching?

00:25:17.156 --> 00:25:19.854
Is there a way for people to get access to you?

00:25:21.425 --> 00:25:23.253
Yeah, I would say follow me on Instagram.

00:25:23.253 --> 00:25:25.525
And then there's some links like an Instagram.

00:25:25.525 --> 00:25:26.869
That's probably the best way.

00:25:26.869 --> 00:25:29.688
It's Lindsay and maybe you can put a link.

00:25:29.688 --> 00:25:37.586
Probably, but it would be Lindsay L-I-N-D-s-e-y mary I think there's a dot somewhere in there, I don't know.

00:25:37.586 --> 00:25:43.596
Lindsey, mary smith, um, on instagram, yeah, okay all right, no website.

00:25:43.656 --> 00:25:44.499
You got a website yet?

00:25:44.905 --> 00:25:46.809
no, I do have a website.

00:25:46.809 --> 00:25:47.811
Yeah, but I'm mostly.

00:25:47.811 --> 00:25:55.221
I mean, so it's lindsey mary smithcom, okay so they could find me there too, um, but I I haven't.

00:25:55.221 --> 00:26:02.530
There's a few things that maybe haven't updated like in a little while on there, but there's definitely information a lot of information about me on there too okay, awesome.

00:26:02.872 --> 00:26:07.365
Well, I'm so glad that, um, you came on to uh god's diamonds.

00:26:07.365 --> 00:26:13.509
Amen, because I know that your story is going to inspire somebody to uh get whatever help that they need.

00:26:13.509 --> 00:26:23.098
Um, because for me and this is really my final thought it has really shown me again that you know, when jesus is there, you're never alone.

00:26:23.098 --> 00:26:31.890
Uh, just no matter the trauma, whether it's physical, spiritually, emotionally, as long as jesus is there, you're gonna be all right.

00:26:31.890 --> 00:26:34.500
Amen, you're to be alright.

00:26:34.500 --> 00:26:35.826
So that's my final thought.

00:26:35.826 --> 00:26:37.613
Michael, you have a final thought.

00:26:38.013 --> 00:27:22.238
Yeah, as I'm sitting here, I'm thinking back on my past and one thing I can realize is that we have to realize that everything I want you to be encouraged by this, lindsey and all the diamonds is that we have to realize that everything that we go through, god is very strategic in the things that we go through, because when we go through stuff, it's a tool that God gives us while calling.

00:27:24.987 --> 00:27:40.799
And I say that because you know, growing up with me, I was the type of person that was very suicidal and God used that for me as an avenue to help other people that are dealing with suicide.

00:27:40.799 --> 00:27:48.159
So just remember that everything we face in life is always just a strategic way that God uses.

00:27:48.159 --> 00:27:58.165
We also got to realize that everything we face in life, whether it takes, takes five years, 10 years or 20 years to get things straight.

00:27:58.165 --> 00:28:03.376
We got to realize that we are always, forever getting our life straight.

00:28:03.376 --> 00:28:07.875
The day that we finish getting our life straight is the day we're home with him.

00:28:07.875 --> 00:28:23.503
So you always want to go through things in life to get yourself straight, because if we had our life straight in 20 or 30 years, would we really call on God?

00:28:23.523 --> 00:28:24.244

00:28:24.884 --> 00:28:38.108
And that's something we got to think about, because the answer is no, if we had our life straight, we wouldn't turn to him, and that's just a straight out fact man, amen.

00:28:38.390 --> 00:28:49.237
So, lindsey, can you give your final thought and um close us with the prayer you want me to close in a prayer yes and also give your final thought.

00:28:49.317 --> 00:29:07.647
Give your final thought, okay well, my final thought I just want to respond respond to what Michael just said is I don't think suffering ever I mean that we're ever fully there yet but I feel that God gives us the strength to bear these things easier and and also, I don't think like things like being sexually abused.

00:29:07.647 --> 00:29:10.556
Those are the things that we're going to have to suffer with.

00:29:10.556 --> 00:29:14.635
It's more like the, the, you know the, the, the, the daily things that we're dealing with.

00:29:14.635 --> 00:29:22.951
You know people are dying, or I mean that's never gonna end right, and then you know like we're struggling to earn a living or what, you know things like that.

00:29:22.951 --> 00:29:45.895
But whatever happens, once we have jesus, like you said, katherine, he's always there, so the suffering isn't as bad as it was before, because we're not alone and actually God can make us find joy in suffering even so, I think that's just like important to know Right, yeah, amen, you know we're here.

00:29:45.895 --> 00:29:53.280
We're not in heaven fully yet, you know, but God is still with us every moment.

00:29:53.280 --> 00:30:04.299
That's right, amen, and so, um, and for a prayer, I guess I just want to say that um, dear God, I come before you in the name of Jesus.

00:30:04.905 --> 00:30:24.602
I just pray that everyone that hears this podcast is inspired by my testimony, to receive more of your love and to know who jesus is, know who you are, god, more fully, and to know what is offered by you for them and that you can come.

00:30:24.602 --> 00:30:39.920
They can come before you with anything and they can know deeply in their hearts and bodies that you will make right everything bad that has happened to them and you will restore them fully to who they were meant to be and who you designed them to be.

00:30:39.920 --> 00:30:53.707
God and you have a calling for them and that, no matter what they've been through, that calling has never changed and he and you will use every bit of suffering that they've been through, uh, to move them forward in their calling.

00:30:53.707 --> 00:30:58.973
And, god, I just thank you that you're here with us today and I'm here that you've given us this day.

00:30:58.973 --> 00:31:04.253
Honor you and just thank you.

00:31:04.253 --> 00:31:06.338
Thank you, jesus, thank you God, amen.

00:31:06.680 --> 00:31:09.125
Amen, amen, hallelujah.

00:31:09.125 --> 00:31:18.359
So, ladies and gentlemen, I'm so glad that, lindsay, you are here.

00:31:18.359 --> 00:31:26.857
We appreciate your presence and we wish every last one of you so much love and prayer from us to you.

00:31:26.857 --> 00:31:31.914
We intend on being here next week and we hope that you will be too.

00:31:31.914 --> 00:31:32.636

00:31:32.636 --> 00:31:35.371
And amen being here next week and we hope that you will be too.

00:31:35.411 --> 00:31:37.496
Amen and amen and remember until next time.

00:31:37.496 --> 00:31:44.519
You are a diamond in the rough amen, we'll see you next week.
Lindsey Smith Profile Photo

Lindsey Smith

Spiritual Coach

Lindsey Smith is Spiritual Coach for women specializing in anxiety and trauma. In her decades long pursuit of relief from the effects of childhood trauma she trained in many modalities to facilitate her own healing while also developing a deep desire to help other women. Her path ultimately brought her back to the Heavenly Father and Jesus where she experienced deep healing of long-time wounds and restoration of her wholeness as a Holy Daughter. It is her greatest desire to help free women from the bondage and suffering that results from trauma and abuse so they can reclaim their birthright of peace, love, joy and abundance. As a coach she helps women find a place of safety within themselves by building a relationship with God. Guided by God and the Holy Spirit, she assists them in finding healing and liberation from anxiety and the consequences of complex trauma such as shame, depression, hopelessness, toxic relationships and chronic pain.