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June 1, 2024

#107 S4 EP 27: Finding Self-Worth and Identity in Christ with Sharon Hughes

#107 S4 EP 27: Finding Self-Worth and Identity in Christ with Sharon Hughes
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God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

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What if your past trauma didn't define you? Join us for a powerful conversation with Sharon Hughes, an author, speaker, and confidence coach, who shares her inspiring journey of overcoming a tumultuous childhood marked by abuse and an alcoholic father. Sharon opens up about the deep confusion this caused in her spiritual life and how it impacted her self-worth and personal growth. She provides profound insights into the distinction between confidence as a skill set and self-worth as an intrinsic value, and how she learned to separate her earthly parental experiences from her relationship with the heavenly Father. Her story is a testament to the transformative power of faith, healing, and the importance of building a healthy, biblical confidence.

In this episode, we also dive into the crucial concept of embracing our identity in Christ, moving past perfectionism and negative self-perception. Sharon and I discuss practical steps to let go of past trauma, with insights from my book, "The Girl in the Garage: Three Steps to Letting Go of Your Past." We explore how to align our thinking with our true identity in Christ, reject the enemy’s lies, and embrace the unique way God created us for His purpose. With a focus on Colossians 3:10, this episode offers a message filled with hope, healing, and the transformative power of God's grace and mercy. Don't miss this conversation that promises to uplift and guide you towards a stronger, more confident self grounded in faith.

"We're excited to announce that we're back for a brand new season! This season, we are making an impact on the world by answering questions about why, what, how, when, and where we can make a difference. As we embark on this journey, we seek the hand of God to guide us and help us shine like the diamonds He made us to be."

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00:00 - Healing From Trauma Through Faith

12:03 - Embracing Identity in Christ


00:00:00.840 --> 00:00:03.629
Hello, hello and welcome back.

00:00:03.629 --> 00:00:06.267
Gods, diamonds and the rough.

00:00:06.267 --> 00:00:10.692
We are so glad to be with you one more time.

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If you don't know who we are, I'm Catherine.

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And I'm Michael.

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And we are so glad to be with you one more time.

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Those of you that are watching by video, we have a guest Amen.

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Those of you that are listening we have a guest Amen.

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Those of you that are listening.

00:00:26.977 --> 00:00:29.748
We have a guest Amen, and her name is Sharon Hughes.

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Amen, and we are so excited for our topic and our conversation.

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Sharon, you want to say hello to everyone.

00:00:38.981 --> 00:00:40.167
Well, hello everyone.

00:00:40.167 --> 00:00:42.305
Welcome to Catherine and Michael's show.

00:00:42.305 --> 00:00:43.890
I love it show.

00:00:44.631 --> 00:00:45.113
I love it.

00:00:45.113 --> 00:00:46.240
I love it already.

00:00:46.240 --> 00:00:48.658
So y'all know we gotta do diamonds.

00:00:48.658 --> 00:00:51.511
Y'all know we gotta go in prayer before we go any further.

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Amen let us pray.

00:00:53.420 --> 00:00:58.887
Dear heavenly father, our lord and savior, jesus Christ, we just come to you right now saying thank you.

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Thank you for your grace and your mercy.

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We thank you for allowing us to see another day.

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We thank you for even the ones that are no longer here, because we know they're with you.

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We pray in the name of Jesus that you'll continue to manifest your word in us and through us as we get into your word, as you reveal the diamonds in us.

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We pray in the name of Jesus, counseling any assignment that are in me that will be sent back into the picture where it came from.

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We pray in the name of Jesus.

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Your Holy Spirit will just have its way.

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We pray in the name of Jesus for the ones that had no sight to know who you are.

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We pray in the name of Jesus for the ones that want to know who you are.

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But don't we pray in the name of Jesus for even the ones that said pray for me.

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We ask you just have your way in their lives and in our lives.

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If you make us and mold us into the damage that you call us to be.

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These things and all things we ask, all in Jesus, mighty and maximum thanks.

00:01:47.746 --> 00:01:53.269
We say thank you, we say amen, amen and amen.

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00:01:55.492 --> 00:01:56.793
Amen Amen.

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00:02:00.141 --> 00:02:08.132
So, ms Sharon, before we get into the topic, can you just tell us a little bit about who you are?

00:02:08.132 --> 00:02:10.306
Amen, just tell us who you are.

00:02:13.760 --> 00:02:14.604
Well, thank you.

00:02:14.604 --> 00:02:17.211
Yes, I'd be honored to.

00:02:17.211 --> 00:02:21.550
Well, like Catherine said, my name is Sharon Hughes.

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I'm an author, speaker and coach.

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I consider myself to be a confidence and self-worth expert and I say that because I walked the hard road of learning how to have a healthy, biblical confidence and self-worth, and it's my mission to help everybody listening to have that as well.

00:02:44.832 --> 00:02:46.114
Amen, amen.

00:02:46.114 --> 00:02:53.151
So, um, guys, our topic today is, uh, pat is getting past trauma and abuse.

00:02:53.151 --> 00:03:07.693
Um and so, with that topic being said and we're in the time of revival in in our show, uh, can you tell us how, uh, this topic correlates with that biblical confidence?

00:03:07.693 --> 00:03:09.961
Can you briefly touch on?

00:03:09.961 --> 00:03:15.390
You know something, or you know maybe something that's happened in your past.

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That speaks to how you've gotten where you are.

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Yeah, so I grew up with a very dysfunctional family.

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Interestingly enough, there was a lot of abuse and abandonment, neglect and those kinds of things going on, but they said grace at the dinner table.

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So it was very confusing to grow up in that and to be taken to church on occasion.

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But having a high-functioning alcoholic father that was very, very abusive physically, emotionally, sexually to my mother and then to myself and I grew up being really afraid of God.

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And I grew up being really afraid of God and what I've learned and I think this is so true for so many of us is that when we have a father that is overbearing and angry and abusive, when we try to know who our heavenly father is, it's hard to differentiate between an earthly father and a heavenly father and to think that the heavenly father is not the same in any manner.

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So I was really on a long journey of healing and learning to trust God Because I liked Jesus.

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I was like, oh, jesus died for me, so he's cool, he's cool with me, but God, ooh, I'm in trouble with the father.

00:04:45.307 --> 00:04:57.079
Yeah, yeah, so that that was the foundation of where I I I started my, my walk with the Lord.

00:04:57.079 --> 00:05:03.846
Yeah, honey, you got a question before I, before I dig in, no, not yet, just listening.

00:05:03.846 --> 00:05:08.666
Um so, uh, confidence, uh, you were angry with God because of your father, and so how did you get beyond that?

00:05:10.762 --> 00:05:20.091
Well, I actually was never angry with God, I was afraid of Him, and I really teach confidence and self-worth completely than anybody else does.

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I believe confidence is a skill set and self-worth is a completely different animal.

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So confidence, anybody can really learn to do just about anything.

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And a lot of people will say, well, I would do this if I felt confident.

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Well, we know that feelings are not completely trustworthy.

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However, feelings do dictate behavior.

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So if you're thinking, oh, I don't feel confident, I'm not going to pursue that, there it's dictating behavior.

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It can shut you down and hold you back.

00:05:59.348 --> 00:06:22.572
But when we look at confidence as a skill set, such as learning how to podcast so you and I have both done that and we learned the steps, we learned how to use the equipment, we've learned how to edit and things like that and then the more that you do it, the more confident you become in that skill set.

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It's a whole different animal when you think you don't deserve to have a podcast because you're not good enough and that's a self-worth issue.

00:06:33.141 --> 00:06:47.535
Well, I'm glad that you made the difference clear, because I think that a whole lot of time we can almost get fear of God and anger with God mixed up.

00:06:49.701 --> 00:07:40.149
And because we get it mixed up, like you said, we can lack in places that we should not, and so that definitely speaks to all of us in who we are and whose we are, because y'all diamonds know that we say here all the time you know, uh, god wants us to see us, see ourselves the way that he sees us, and confidence is definitely a part of it and this is how we can really overcome trauma is to see God, and I believe that our perspective matters, because we can look at God and look at the trauma and say, well, I'm angry at God because he let this happen to me.

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Or we can allow the trauma to put us in a place that says I'm fearful and I can't do anything, I'm not this and I'm not that, and so it becomes a barrier that if we're looking at God, we're looking at Jesus, then we can overcome any trauma, any abuse or anything that comes at us.

00:07:59.408 --> 00:08:02.807
That would speak that we aren't the diamonds that God says that we are.

00:08:02.807 --> 00:08:04.064
Any comments either?

00:08:04.084 --> 00:08:04.345
of the two.

00:08:04.345 --> 00:08:17.129
Yeah, I was going to say you know, that's where we got to realize that there's a scripture that says and I don't have it right in front of me, but it's even in Proverbs or Psalms.

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It says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and instruction.

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That fear that he's talking about is not that trembling in your bones or in your boots that he's going to throw this big bolt of lightning down and hit you if you don't do what you're supposed to be doing.

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That fear is the reverence of what and who he is.

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That fear is the reverence of what and who he is.

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It's not the fear of saying, oh, I got to dot every I across every T, it's the fear that you do your very best in everything that you do.

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But that reflects back on the Romans 12, 1 and 2, the renewing of your mind.

00:09:08.899 --> 00:09:10.000

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Get applauded by man or not, if it's doing it for God, I'm going to give him my very best what I do.

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Because we got to realize look, we're not perfect in this world by far.

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We all have issues, we all have mistakes.

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We make things in life that we don't't understand.

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But we got to realize that, look the mistakes that we make in life is not mistakes, it's a learning tool.

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We got to have a learning tool in life because if we got, if we dotted every I and cross every t and I and I've asked this question plenty of times before and I'm gonna ask it again if you dot every I, cross every t, would you cross every T?

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Would you turn to God?

00:09:55.590 --> 00:10:01.239
Amen, would you turn to God and be honest with you?

00:10:01.239 --> 00:10:03.163
The answer is no.

00:10:04.687 --> 00:10:05.008

00:10:05.008 --> 00:10:06.577
What's your thoughts, Ms Sharon?

00:10:06.577 --> 00:10:08.543
Do you have any thoughts?

00:10:09.304 --> 00:10:18.038
Yeah, yeah, I like what Michael said and what I've observed is the people that are dotting the I's and crossing the T's.

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They're really getting caught with a religious spirit.

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They are trying so hard to live under the law and be perfect that it's a form of bondage and the enemy likes for us to be in bondage.

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He doesn't care if it's bondage of perfectionism or it's a form of bondage, and the enemy likes for us to be in bondage.

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He doesn't care if it's bondage of perfectionism or it's bondage of addiction, it doesn't matter to him as long as he's got something over you.

00:10:44.807 --> 00:10:59.000
But I'd like to go back to that point we were talking about, about confidence, because there's a verse in Hebrews that says to come boldly or confidently to the throne in time of need.

00:10:59.000 --> 00:11:05.360
Now, that's not a father God that's waiting for you to mess up so he can smack you up beside the head.

00:11:05.360 --> 00:11:10.239
That's a father that's saying child, come to me, I've got you.

00:11:11.802 --> 00:11:16.899
And I didn't know that until I was so much older, like I knew the verse.

00:11:16.899 --> 00:11:29.450
I didn't know the verse Right and I think when we sit in scripture we really need to ask Holy Spirit to reveal truth to us, to give us fresh eyes.

00:11:29.450 --> 00:11:37.750
So we're not reading scripture and it's being filtered through a religious spirit of perfectionism and standards we can never attain.

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We need to read scripture and know that Jesus did it all for us, that we are now seated in heavenly realms with him and we're under that grace.

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We have the Lord's mercy upon us.

00:11:52.942 --> 00:11:55.841
He knows we're human, he created us.

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He knows we're human, he created us.

00:11:56.926 --> 00:12:01.322
He knows how weak we are.

00:12:01.322 --> 00:12:02.183
I mean truly.

00:12:02.183 --> 00:12:07.174
I mean we flounder around with some silly things and people listening.

00:12:07.174 --> 00:12:08.456
They go.

00:12:08.456 --> 00:12:13.325
Oh yeah, I did something silly yesterday that's had me up all night.

00:12:13.325 --> 00:12:16.576
Just bring it to the Lord, let it go and just be done with it.

00:12:16.975 --> 00:12:18.158
That's right, amen.

00:12:18.158 --> 00:12:22.326
So with your coaching, is that the same?

00:12:22.326 --> 00:12:25.076
That's your goal in mind.

00:12:25.076 --> 00:12:26.220
Tell us about your coaching.

00:12:28.225 --> 00:12:32.417
So the coaching is really all about understanding your identity in Christ.

00:12:32.417 --> 00:12:55.028
So in my book, the Girl in the Garage Three Steps to Letting Go of your Past it's my testimony and it's written workbook style, so I'll share something that I was getting caught up in, but then I break it down so that the reader can reflect on that, answer some questions, to see how they might be struggling in the same issue.

00:12:55.028 --> 00:13:06.764
Because once you understand your identity in Christ, the enemy does not have a hold over you, so he's going to keep you running in circles as much as he can.

00:13:06.764 --> 00:13:11.739
So it's yeah, all comes back to identity.

00:13:11.739 --> 00:13:14.764
We are, as Christians, a Royal priesthood.

00:13:14.764 --> 00:13:17.998
Does it get any better than that?

00:13:17.998 --> 00:13:18.379

00:13:18.720 --> 00:13:19.181
come on.

00:13:19.181 --> 00:13:20.745
Yeah, you're going to talk about it.

00:13:20.745 --> 00:13:21.486
Talk about your book.

00:13:21.486 --> 00:13:22.937
Tell us about your book a little bit more.

00:13:22.937 --> 00:13:24.861
Go a little deeper, if you would.

00:13:25.022 --> 00:13:28.269
Alrighty, sure.

00:13:28.269 --> 00:13:32.283
Well, it is so very much about what you believe about yourself.

00:13:32.283 --> 00:13:41.187
So, in your audience, since we're talking about trauma, a lot of people that have had trauma start when they're young.

00:13:41.187 --> 00:13:44.278
They really hold on to that.

00:13:44.278 --> 00:13:45.961
It becomes part of their identity.

00:13:45.961 --> 00:13:50.017
Well, I'm this and I'm that, and that's not true.

00:13:50.017 --> 00:13:55.486
What has happened to you, what's been done to you, is not who you are.

00:13:55.486 --> 00:14:10.586
It does not define who you are on any level, and that's where shining the truth of who you are, your identity in Christ that turns the light bulb on in the darkness, and darkness has to flee.

00:14:11.607 --> 00:14:16.866
But it's very, very hard for people to learn how to think differently about themselves, absolutely.

00:14:16.866 --> 00:14:33.205
One of the things that I say is I'll teach you how to think for yourself, not against yourself, and what that means is because we need to take every thought captive and most of the thoughts that we have are thoughts that are against ourselves.

00:14:33.205 --> 00:14:37.293
Of the thoughts that we have are thoughts that are against ourselves.

00:14:37.293 --> 00:14:51.740
You know, I'm stupid, or I'm fat, or I'm ugly, or I'm a cheater, I'm a drunk, I'll never be anything, and we keep sitting in all of those horrible thoughts and that does a number on not just our mind and our emotions, but on our health as well.

00:14:51.740 --> 00:14:53.687
Yeah, Wow.

00:14:54.470 --> 00:14:54.730

00:14:54.750 --> 00:15:07.327
That's deep and that's absolutely true, because you know we wonder why, especially young people dealing with this, you know, dealing with anxiety and depression and all it's like you haven't even lived any longer.

00:15:07.327 --> 00:15:13.044
You know you haven't even lived any time and you're dealing with these things, but it's absolutely.

00:15:13.044 --> 00:15:22.996
I agree that it's definitely has a lot to do with the perception that we think about ourself and how we perceive what others think about us.

00:15:22.996 --> 00:15:26.705
Amen, so that is powerful, very, very powerful.

00:15:26.705 --> 00:15:28.107
You had to say something.

00:15:30.575 --> 00:15:33.717
Oh well, you said you know how people think about us.

00:15:33.717 --> 00:15:36.019
Okay, well, here's the newsflash.

00:15:36.019 --> 00:15:48.347
We can't control what anybody thinks about ourselves, but the enemy will use that also to keep us small, to keep us from really stepping into that identity.

00:15:48.347 --> 00:15:50.089
The gifting, the calling.

00:15:50.089 --> 00:16:00.322
A calling because you know we all have naysayers around us that want to tell us, oh, you can't do that, you're not good enough to do that, and that's not the truth.

00:16:00.341 --> 00:16:02.005
It's not Absolutely.

00:16:06.341 --> 00:16:19.787
Yeah, I was going to say something you was mentioning about that scripture about coming boldly and confidence, and in Hebrews.

00:16:19.787 --> 00:16:26.581
And you know it's funny because God gives when he gives us a scripture, he gives another scripture to back it up and it's another scripture that speaks about coming in boldly.

00:16:26.581 --> 00:16:33.691
And I know it's in Ephesians, in Colossians, and I was trying to find it, but you know I didn't find it.

00:16:33.691 --> 00:16:38.798
But I did find something that was very key to what we're talking about.

00:16:38.798 --> 00:16:55.149
It's colossus 310 and I'm not sure what um, what, um, then uh, what, whether it's niv or what version is.

00:16:55.149 --> 00:16:57.254
But this what it says in ephesians.

00:16:57.254 --> 00:17:09.117
In colossus 3, 10, it says put on your new nature and be renewed as you learn to know your creator and become like him.

00:17:09.117 --> 00:17:16.875
And it also goes further and says Now you're dressed in a new wardrobe.

00:17:16.875 --> 00:17:24.098
Every item of your new way of life is custom made by the creator with his label on it.

00:17:24.098 --> 00:17:28.756
All old fashions are now obsolete.

00:17:28.884 --> 00:17:29.766
We have to realize that.

00:17:29.766 --> 00:17:33.568
Look, when God made you, he made you the way you are.

00:17:33.568 --> 00:17:43.277
He made you the way you are, whether you think that you're ugly, whether you think that you're God's gift to the world.

00:17:43.277 --> 00:17:49.501
He made you short, tall, skinny, big, whatever.

00:17:49.501 --> 00:17:58.184
He made you the way he wanted you to make.

00:17:58.184 --> 00:18:05.805
We got to realize that, look, we have to realize and stop thinking that we're not good enough.

00:18:05.805 --> 00:18:10.138
God made you the way he did for a reason.

00:18:10.138 --> 00:18:19.221
And then we got to realize that, look, when he made you and you overthinking and overcomplicating things he made you in a way that would benefit him.

00:18:19.221 --> 00:18:27.454
That's why he says in his word lean not on your own understanding.

00:18:27.454 --> 00:18:28.798
Proverbs 3 and 5.

00:18:28.798 --> 00:18:32.255
We got to realize that, look the way God made us.

00:18:32.255 --> 00:18:37.114
He had a plan for us before we even came out the womb.

00:18:37.114 --> 00:18:38.678
As our old folks would say.

00:18:38.678 --> 00:18:39.681
He made up before you was even thought of.

00:18:39.681 --> 00:18:41.365
He had a plan for us before we even came out the womb.

00:18:44.152 --> 00:18:46.884
As our old folks would say he made up before you was even thought of.

00:18:54.010 --> 00:18:57.424
Stop overcomplicating things and be who God called you to be and stop trying to be who you think you were.

00:18:57.424 --> 00:18:59.271
Yeah, and we read that in Psalm 139.

00:18:59.271 --> 00:19:03.307
He says he knows us, or he knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb.

00:19:03.307 --> 00:19:09.487
So that's saying, at the foundations of the earth he knew what he was doing with you and I.

00:19:09.487 --> 00:19:13.373
He's a personal God.

00:19:13.373 --> 00:19:19.932
He's not some far off, distant God that's just kind of hanging out and waiting for you to get it together and call him he's personal.

00:19:19.932 --> 00:19:22.740
He's not some far off, distant God that's just kind of hanging out and waiting for you to get it together and call him he's personal.

00:19:22.740 --> 00:19:26.694
He's involved, he cares, he cares deeply.

00:19:27.377 --> 00:19:44.811
Yes, he does Amen, and that's a big, big big thing for us here on the show is for you know, it's for people to just grab a hold to the sight of God in the way that he sees you and the people that we have on here.

00:19:44.811 --> 00:19:45.913
God is bringing to us.

00:19:46.695 --> 00:20:36.792
They are a witness, we are all a witness to the power of God and the fact that we are who we are and we do what we do because of him, not because we are good enough, not because we, you know, we am just so very grateful and thankful for everyone, and even ourselves, of being here, because he could have chosen anybody else to do what the three of us are doing you know what I mean and he could have chosen somebody else other than you, listeners, diamonds, to do what you're doing and to be where you are, amen.

00:20:36.792 --> 00:20:47.277
So it is powerful, a powerful thing when we begin to catch, I would say catch the perception that God has for us and on us.

00:20:47.277 --> 00:20:48.057

00:20:48.057 --> 00:20:52.575
So, ms Sharon, tell us about Confidence Academy.

00:20:52.575 --> 00:20:53.517
What is that about?

00:20:56.087 --> 00:21:02.728
So that's a faith-based program to walk you through the steps to getting free from your past.

00:21:02.728 --> 00:21:10.445
So you build that foundation so that you can live confidently and with a healthy self-worth.

00:21:10.445 --> 00:21:18.016
Yeah, it's a great program and it's inexpensive to be in, so it's, it's reasonable for everybody.

00:21:18.016 --> 00:21:21.019
It's like a cup of coffee.

00:21:21.019 --> 00:21:22.247
I'm in California.

00:21:22.247 --> 00:21:23.691
Starbucks is expensive here.

00:21:23.691 --> 00:21:28.830
It's probably the same where you are too, but for a cup of coffee you can get.

00:21:28.830 --> 00:21:29.612
You can get in.

00:21:30.232 --> 00:21:31.174
Absolutely so.

00:21:31.174 --> 00:21:34.968
Um, what is your, your greatest cuts?

00:21:34.968 --> 00:21:44.194
We got to get ready to get off of here only because we have another blessing, another man of God who's coming in right behind you.

00:21:44.194 --> 00:21:51.996
What is ultimately your message to the world and how can they get their book, get your book and get to your podcast?

00:21:51.996 --> 00:21:53.445
And you know all of that.

00:21:53.445 --> 00:21:54.708
What is it that you want to share?

00:21:55.048 --> 00:21:55.630
with the world.

00:21:57.413 --> 00:22:07.676
Well, the ultimate message is and this is something I say all the time believing a lie is just as powerful as believing the truth.

00:22:07.676 --> 00:22:16.373
So that means that you can stay stuck in lies because you think it's the truth but it's not.

00:22:16.373 --> 00:22:23.101
And I break that down how to learn how to think differently, how to let go of your past.

00:22:23.101 --> 00:22:38.476
In my book you can find it the Girl in the Garage Three Steps to Letting Go of your Past on Amazon, on Barnes Noble, or you can come to my website, sharonhughesnet, and go to the book tab and grab a copy there.

00:22:38.476 --> 00:22:42.928
And I just want people to be free, know who they are in Christ.

00:22:42.928 --> 00:22:44.131
Let go of trauma.

00:22:44.131 --> 00:22:46.435
You got to let go of trauma.

00:22:46.435 --> 00:22:47.464
Trauma doesn't have you.

00:22:47.464 --> 00:22:48.728
You got to let go of trauma.

00:22:48.728 --> 00:22:53.077
Don't let it own you, don't give it power anymore.

00:22:54.285 --> 00:23:03.599
Yeah, yeah, I love it, I love it, I love, I absolutely love when we all are saying the same thing.

00:23:03.599 --> 00:23:10.404
It blows my mind how we are serving the same God and so many people have a different language.

00:23:10.404 --> 00:23:15.372
Oh my gosh, I'm like oh man, are we reading the same word, or what?

00:23:15.372 --> 00:23:16.773

00:23:16.794 --> 00:23:20.980
because if we're reading the same thing, we should have the same answer.

00:23:20.980 --> 00:23:35.037
We might have different stories, we might have different levels of obscurity and tribulation and trial, but at the end of the day, the answer should still be the same.

00:23:35.037 --> 00:23:36.049
It should still come back to the truth of God.

00:23:36.049 --> 00:23:36.151

00:23:36.151 --> 00:23:36.734
That's my final thought.

00:23:36.734 --> 00:23:37.136
Hallelujah To God.

00:23:37.136 --> 00:23:37.377
Be the same.

00:23:37.377 --> 00:23:38.364
It should still come back to the truth of God.

00:23:38.364 --> 00:23:38.464

00:23:38.464 --> 00:23:42.355
That's my final thought Hallelujah To God, be the glory.

00:23:42.355 --> 00:23:44.951
Michael, you have anything you want to share or say?

00:23:44.991 --> 00:23:46.316
Yeah, I do, I do.

00:23:46.316 --> 00:24:02.798
I was sitting here right here about to explode with this word because the way I think about it, in life we got to realize look, our life is not like a car.

00:24:02.798 --> 00:24:07.796
Our life is not like a car, and I'll say the why.

00:24:07.796 --> 00:24:18.039
When a car leaves the car lot and get older, kelly Blue Book says it loses value.

00:24:18.039 --> 00:24:20.965
Come on, get older, kelly Blue Book says it loses value.

00:24:20.965 --> 00:24:28.772
But we gotta realize our life, as it gets older and more wisdom, it increases in value.

00:24:28.772 --> 00:24:44.117
Don't compare yourself to a car, because over time that car gonna die off, get beat up, get worn life does too.

00:24:44.117 --> 00:24:48.189
But car loses value.

00:24:48.189 --> 00:24:51.231
Life increases in value.

00:24:51.913 --> 00:24:53.954
Right now, I love it.

00:24:53.954 --> 00:24:55.857
I love it, amen, I love it.

00:24:55.857 --> 00:24:57.098
Amen To God be the glory.

00:24:57.098 --> 00:24:59.342
Sherri, would you do us a favor and pray?

00:24:59.342 --> 00:25:02.108
I sure will.

00:25:02.108 --> 00:25:03.855
Amen, please do yes.

00:25:05.905 --> 00:25:08.815
Oh, heavenly Father, we just thank you for this time with you.

00:25:08.815 --> 00:25:22.750
I pray for everyone listening and, father, I ask that you would just send your Holy Spirit to give them wisdom and discernment for the things that they are walking throughment, for the things that they are walking through, for the things that they are working through.

00:25:22.750 --> 00:25:34.030
That they would boldly bring those things before you, father, that they would be refreshed and renewed, lord, god, that they would know that you have them, that you care.

00:25:34.030 --> 00:25:37.837
Your eye is on them, just the same way it is on the sparrow.

00:25:37.837 --> 00:25:51.967
Lord, we thank you that you are a father that loves and adores your children, that you are full of mercy and grace, and we ask for an extra measure of that mercy and grace as we navigate the things going on in the world today.

00:25:51.967 --> 00:25:59.461
Lord, may we only be a mirror to reflect your love back onto the ones that don't know you.

00:25:59.461 --> 00:26:02.249
Lord, that we would draw them unto you, father.

00:26:02.249 --> 00:26:04.212
Father, we just thank you.

00:26:04.212 --> 00:26:08.248
We give you all the praise and glory for this day In Jesus' name amen.

00:26:08.868 --> 00:26:09.711

00:26:10.692 --> 00:26:11.875
Wow, that was good.

00:26:11.875 --> 00:26:14.539
Thank you so much for being here with us.

00:26:14.539 --> 00:26:22.417
We certainly appreciate your presence, and we just wish you so many blessings in your future endeavors and where God is taking you.

00:26:22.417 --> 00:26:28.330
Amen, because what we are, what diamonds, we're all diamonds in the sight of God.

00:26:28.330 --> 00:26:34.150
Amen, hallelujah, so diamonds, y'all know thank you so much.

00:26:34.150 --> 00:26:35.152
You're welcome, my dear.

00:26:35.152 --> 00:26:37.516
You're certainly welcome, diamonds.

00:26:37.556 --> 00:26:40.279
Y'all know what it is Come on closer, come closer.

00:26:40.279 --> 00:26:42.847
Remember until next time.

00:26:42.847 --> 00:26:46.573
You are a diamond in the rough.

00:26:47.294 --> 00:26:49.316
Amen, y'all have a great week.

00:26:49.316 --> 00:26:50.756
We'll see you next week.
Sharon Hughes Profile Photo

Sharon Hughes


Sharon Hughes, an award-winning author, and certified Critical Incident Stress Debriefer (CISD) shares her inspiring story of overcoming adversity to help others break free from the lies that hold them back from being who God created them to be.
Sharon's journey has been filled with remarkable triumphs over adversity. From surviving abuse, abandonment, and even parental abduction, to experiencing homelessness and being drugged at a Halloween party and waking up in a garage; she has faced unimaginable challenges head-on. Through it all, she discovered the key to personal breakthroughs guided by the questions that God posed to her when she was on the edge of no return.
Drawing from her experiences, Sharon shares the three-steps that empower individuals to overcome the lies they believe and redeem their self-worth by embracing Biblical truths. Her mandate is to help others find freedom from the bondage of lies and step into their identity in Christ.